Antenna Gain – Directivity, Efficiency and Its Conversio

COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS :- Antennas are used in this modern communication for transmitting the data and receiving the data through a wired channel or wireless channel. Or in another way, it can be defined as transmitting and receiving the radio waves in all horizontal direction or particular direction. These antennas act as an interface between electric signals and radio signals. Here, electrical signals are forwarded through metal conductors and radio signals are propagating through free space. Heinrich Hertz was the first person to develop an antenna in the year 1886. He has created a dipole antenna and with electric signals, he transmitted and received the signals. Later in the year of 1901, Marconi was the scientist sending the information across the Atlantic region. The antenna parameters are more important. The parameters are directivity (D), antenna gain (G), resolution, patterns, antenna beam area, antenna beam efficiency, antenna efficiency (η). In this article, we wi...